
Texas? Texas!

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the HOPE that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

Texas? Why in the world are you moving to Texas?

This is a question I have heard many times in the past few months. This question is one that has been directed to me with every emotion driving it...bewilderment, skepticism, sadness, pity, and concern...and sometimes people do have excitement about the idea.

I have realized that my answer is simple and honest: the military, new career opportunities, and most importantly a chance for my husband and I to have a new adventure in a part of our own country that we have never explored.

The past six months have been a trial. A trial that has been filled with raw emotion: joys, fears, and unknowns. David and I have carried a HOPE through this entire time--a HOPE that we have chosen the right path. A HOPE that we will come out of this spring a stronger married partnership. A HOPE that God will use us in this life however He may want.

The spring has been filled with joy, fear, and unknown and HOPE...

1 comment:

Nova said...

Good luck on this upcoming adventure! I just hope Texas is ready for you two!!

Bright Lights, Big City...Life in Las Vegas