

Wichita Falls is full of opportunities and sadly, through the past year, we have not fully taken adventage of all the amazing things available to us.

We are so thankful that we have made some new friends and opened some new doors into the world that is Wichita Falls, Texas.

In the past month we have enjoyed the Texas Ranch Roundup (a non-conventional rodeo):

The Shrine Fest in the Red Dirt (four country bands played while a few hundred people consumed a large quantity of Bud Light, in a huge empty field):

And the Hotter than Hell (a one hundred mile bike race in the 110* weather) where I worked the Starbucks booth and David volunteered at a rest stop on the base.

We are truly thankful for these opportunities that we have been given in the past few weeks to embrace where we are at this point in our lives.

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